NinjaKadet86 New User


  • Hi again, Sorry to bother you, but what does your CPU temperature idle at now? I just want to make sure if I try something I can have a baseline to compare to. I use a free program called Speccy by Piriform to check. I still have a 88-90+C temp on my CPU Do you use a different program? Thank you very much!
  • That sounds great. Unfortunately, I didn't get an extra warranty from a store since I bought it online. Good to hear yours is doing fine. It might be time to.move on to a new laptop. 14" seems better for me. Thanks for replying!
  • Hi, It's been about 8 moths since you posted this, but I'm now running to the same problem as you. My computer CPU temperature is running up to the 114C and that's pretty ridiculous. Above the top row of my keyboard get's extremely HOT and you can burn yourself if you touch it for too long. I just switched to Windows 10…