NikTh New User


  • Yes JackE. I uncompressed the archive and I saw two methods inside. First was for Windows, second for pure DOS system. Both methods required from me to install a new OS. Either DOS or Windows. I'd found a third party application (flashrom) but except that it wasn't work I didn't want to use third party applications. I…
  • I know JackE and thanks for your support answer. But I consider this whole situation something like.. unthinkable ? What can I say ? I mean, when a company releases some models with Linux pre-installed it would be better to release also some software-tools compatible with the OS. Sorry If I presented an attitude, this…
  • Multiple problems that I had workaround (i.e. backlight does not work) . Either way, when a new BIOS version exist, I expcect that I am capable to update for whatever reason. In case of a question like "Why you want to update your BIOS ? " I can answer with a similar one. "Why you released a newer version ? " Best Regards