Mystery9 New User


  • After doing further research, others have experienced such issue and doesn't seem specific to Acer. It generally comes down to faulty hard drive or faulty USB device, which, after unplugging, works fine. There's a give-away when I shut down Linux: usb sub1-port5: Cannot enable. Maybe the USB cable is bad? Probably a…
  • There is actually a mouse in the Acer BIOS and it moves with the touchpad (with a few seconds delay). It doesn't respond to any keyboard inputs; but the F2/F10 keyboard input does work to get to the BIOS. Acer's graphical BIOS is very different from any other BIOS I've seen btw!
  • Removed the HDD. Problem remains. I can get into the BIOS, but the mouse barely works, and the keyboard doesn't work at all. Thus I can't get into advanced options nor do anything. I keep F10 pressed for 10 seconds and the message box never appears. BIOS is not usable. Computer works fine but certain things are slow; like…