Mulder1 New User


  • Yea I know, I'm ok with it not updating in real time. Laptop doesn't support RAID. The image backup sounds nice for the automatic backups but I'd rather be able to boot onto my HDD if necessary. I'm pretty satisfied with the way it's set up now, it takes 30mins to clone the drive, probably just do it bi-weekly. I guess…
  • I guess that makes sense. Thanks for all the advice. I would just think that if you specified the M.2 SSD to be at the top of the boot priority list it would boot the Windows Boot Manager partition from the M.2 SSD, however if that's the way it's meant to work that's the way it's meant to work. Reason I'm trying the…
  • Hey, thanks for the reply. And thanks for the info about UEFI, I just learned a lot in the last few hours of troubleshooting this problem. So I disconnected the 2.5" HDD (removed the cable from the drive under the keyboard), and yes the system is able to boot automatically from the M.2 SSD. I think the bios is bugged, and…