


  • what ram in this case you recommend me to get ? do you recommend me to sell current one and get 2x8gb 2400Mhz ? because getting 2 identical rams is easier i think to be in safe side from blue screens and stuff also i think i will get a few bucks from swapping 3200 with 2400 @billsey 
  • the screenshot provided above contain the default memory came with my laptop and here is the link to it its model is Micron Tech 8ATF1G64HZ-3G2J1…
  • should i sell current one and get 2 identical 2400 ones , why acer put 3200 mhz ram on not supported motherboard then !?!
  • for example here my RAM takes 1.2V , and it says the speed is 3200 , 1600 and in task manager the speed is written 2400 , idk what RAM should i buy for the other slot , if the RAM 3200 MHz then i need to unlock bios to make use of it other wise i wont get that efficiency 