Midas New User


  • Unfortunately, the cable didn't work. It was the LCD that had an issue so I replaced it with this component: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-15-6-FHD-LED-LAPTOP-SCREEN-MATTE-FOR-ACER-SPARES-KL-15605-008-KL15605008-/400870690767?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item5d55c14fcf It worked great! Those guys will gladly help you with…
  • Merci beaucoup Laurent! I have contacted them and asked those questions. Thank you very much for your help and your support (including that note). Much appreciated! // Philip
  • Just a small note, my original screen has a resolution of 1920 x 1080. 
  • Thank you Laurent!
  • I am sorry to bother you again but, I am afraid the cable was not defective. It took a long time to get it, so I just replaced it today. I booted and the screen was flickering again. Since I was acquainted with the process I started troubleshooting. The problem is fixed when applying pressure on the lower part of the…
  • Thank you Laurent! I am on it!
  • Thank you for the information Laurent! My laptop had only one year guarantee which makes it a bit older than a year since the time of purchase. Before touching the internals of it, I need to ask if you have any best practices for accessing the LCD screen? I know there are various videos about changing LCD on acer…
  • Greetings! So it happened again. I connected it to a monitor through HDMI and the image was crystal clear. I unplugged the monitor, turned the computer off and then booted again. Same greyish screen appeared. I turned it off again and left it for 5 minutes without touching anything... Everything was back to normal again.…
  • I need to make this happen again. Normally, if the screen moves just a little it gets back to normal. So, this permanent one needs to happen again so I can connect it to a monitor. I will get back to you, as soon as I have the same symptom. 