Merilyn New User


  • Thanks, have had a go but this is beyond my capabilities and I have had to give up. I tried emailing support, but my serial number is apparently not valid so I rang and was disconnected twice. Will go out and buy an new laptop this weekend, but it won't be another Acer I'm afraid.
  • I had already done all that, but have done it again and there is no improvement unfortunately. As there is no bootable disk, and I can't get into the bios to access the restore partition, I think I will have to give up.
  • No, no beeps .... and blackness, apart from the blueness round the power button, the blue lights indicating when the charger is plugged in, and when the battery is in. And a momentary blue light suggesting that it is at least looking for the hard drive.
  • Thanks thanks for replying. I've been trying that method most of the day, and also attached the laptop to the TV ..... Screen still black.
  • Thanks, tried all that another couple of times, but pressing f2 had no effect, so I can't get into the bios. The hard drive light only flashes for a second and then goes off again. Any other suggestions will be gratefully received - I don't like giving up, but it is getting close