

  • If that's the case I think I will just leave that as an option if I am running out of ideas to solve the problem. But thanks to mention that anyway, I think I will just see if I can come up with any idea tomorrow. Thank you for all your helps and tips.
  • Never did that before, will it cause any side effect like losing files or something else? As I mentioned, I never backup my laptop at all.
  • Thanks for the suggestion, but I have tried reinstall the sound driver before. But that doesn't help as well.
  • Nope, it doesn't solve the problem. It still makes that noise for a while, when noise was gone the volume will go down. I wonder if that was because part of the speaker go offline during high temperature, that will explain the noise and the low volume after that.
  • Actually I have tried that before, but I will give it another try.
  • I just tried to record the noise using the window video recording program(window key+G), but the weird thing is that I can't hear the noise in the video however I can clearly hear it when I was recording the video.
  • I have just updated every drivers of my laptop including the Realtek high definition audio driver and I have also tried to use the older Realtek driver and the Microsoft sound driver as well. None of them solve the problem. I also tried to set the battery perform to max to see if that's because it was caused by not enough…
  • Thanks for replaying, egydiocoelho. It is not fan's sound. The noise is from the speaker itself, if I mute my laptop the noise will be gone. So I think it is not a fan problem.
  • I noticed that the BIOS update did not indicate that kind of update. But my point is I had that high temperature in the past year, but it never have that noise problem until a month or two month before. So I am kind of doubt the noise problem is caused by high temperature. Maybe it caused by the dust inside my laptop? I…
  • Well, I have checked the warranty terms. One of the exception term is "Damage caused by service (including upgrade and expansions) performed by anyone who is not an authorized representative of Acer or an Acer authorized service provider authorized to perform service". I went to the local acer service center today, they…
  • Forget to mention that the temperature has been this high before, but it just started making noise a one month or two month ago.
  • I am using a table that has a small fan beneath. I bought this computer for almost two years and never clean it inside, and it is still under two year warranty. I have tried to seek for help from the local acer service center(Hong Kong) a year ago. But it turned out they don't provide cleaning service. I have never tease…
  • This is the screenshot of HWMonitor: And I also attached the file saved from it if it is needed. It started making the noise, and after a while the noise will be gone but the volume will be lower than usual. Sometime it will reverse the process after a while being low volume, but then the noise will start again. This…
  • Thanks for replaying. It is not the fan sound. It sounds like you are frying something on a fry pan. And when I mute the game, it would be gone. And as mentioned, when I stop playing the game and the temperature of my computer goes down the sound will be gone and return to its normal stage. So I suspect it is some kind of…