Lod New User


  • Thanks for staying - Sorry but I can not get into the machine at all to make any recovery USB. Let's just leave this for now. I will put a hammer on it tomorrow and never buy an Acer again. It;s well out of warranty.
  • Not sure about the USB installation media. How do you do this
  • Hello Again IronFly HDD available and F12 boot enabled F12 brings boot option menu with one line Windows Boot Manager. Pressed enter and it comes back to Acer screen
  • Thanks iron fly Trouble is when it boots it will not go past the Acer logo screen.
  • Thanks model M52377 I'll try opening and see what happens. The solution is going to be something like this. No data to save. Via alt10 I can get into what I used to call the old DOS menu. I can change dir but then have no idea what to enter
  • Thanks Ironfly - problem is I don't have a USB bootable. Can you down load on to another computer?