LaptopUser118 New User


  • Tried the toothpaste thing but it didn't work. The copying stopped at the same spot like usual and the faint ticking sound started up again. Is there an email/number I can call to get a replacement CD or a refund?
  • After trying another installation, I checked the CD and I found a few scratches on it once I held it under light. Would that be the cause of it failing? Is there a way I could get a replacement for the CD?
  • I'm using the Acer eRecovery Management. There's no pop-up or anything. The copying just stops at 10% everytime. I can hear the CD stop spinning when progress stops. I also hear a really faint ticking sound. I don't think it's anything to do with my laptop since there's no problem when I install the first 2 discs.