Kossay New User


  • Find myself with the same issue last week, I have a T500 the rtx2080 super maxed out version. I just performed a full cleaning and repaste it all, 3 times, YES you read it correctly 3 test 3 times, a pain in the....anyways...Sharing what I found: -Thermal pads 1.5 didn't work, to thick. -Thermal pads 0.5 didn't work.…
  • Forgot to add a pic, managed to grab one from internet, there is no way I will open the laptop AGAIN for the 4th time lol so hope this will work for u guys.
  • Find myself with the same issue last week, I have a T500 the rtx2080 super maxed out version. I just performed a full cleaning and repaste it all, 3 times, YES you read it correctly 3 test 3 times, a pain in the....anyways...Sharing what I found: -Thermal pads 1.5 didn't work, to thick. -Thermal pads 0.5 didn't work.…