Jimwong New User


  • Same problem too. I dont think Fallout supports 21/9 even thou you can choose from the games option. What I did was to load it in windows mode and centralise it to the screen manually. It might be helpful to load it in the lowest resolution initially to centralise the window to your screen. Good luck.
  • Hi, I have the same problem. Only worst. Brought my X34 in August 2016. MOBO is ASUS ROG MAXVIII Hero and GPU is Asus 980TI GPU. Now, firstly my monitor will never boot up from sleep. SO i have to shut down my computer if i am gonna be away for more than 15 mins. Thats a pain. Secondly, 50% of the time when i boot up, the…
    in Predator X34 Comment by Jimwong May 2017