Jerry51 New User


  • Hello and have a good day. My news are very bad : I disinstalled and reinstalled the keyboard but nothing happens and the problem is the same. My Acer laptop goes on only if I press and maintain pressed the CTRL key or the F1 key. If I leave these keys the laptop goes off in a few seconds. All the possible checks that I do…
  • I think that my problem is due to the keyboard because all works correctly with my apps and Internet navigation : indeed all is Ok till I maintain down the CTRL key. Now the same thing happen with F1 key : I will try to disinstall and reinstall the keyboard in order to understand better my situation. Jerry51.
  • Thank you. Yes the problem is the same with AC power or battery power : no difference. How is it possible that a CTRL key works as a Power on one ? That's the intriguing problem. Jerry51