

  • All sorted. Had to open the casing and actually eyeball the WiFi Card - turns out it's an Atheros AR5B22, which needed the drivers you can download from here: Ignore the fact they are talking about the AR9462 (which was what Linux…
  • Function key cycles through WiFi + BT ON/ BT Off/WiFi Off (I think). I'm not a massive fan of 3rd party "driver helper" programs. There seems to be some chatter that a Windows Update (!) might have deleted all the BT profiles - which is why no connections can be made. The problem is the fix is to install the official Acer…
  • @egydiocoelho many thanks. After some digging, i managed to install the latest drivers, and the system *thinks* Bluetooth is working. HOWEVER, trying to use it ... it doesn't. I can't seem to see any local devices (I have another laptop and 2 phones which can all see each other). Not sure if this is a Windows problem now.…
  • All working !!!! Once I removed and reseated the card, Windows showed a faulty network adapter in device manager. Uninstalling and reinstalling the Atheros W7-64bit driver fixed it. As you can see !! Many thanks for your patience in helping. Maybe this can help someone else ? One last question is whether this adapter also…
  • OK so opened up the case and found the card sitting there. So yes, this laptop did come with WiFi built in. And for whatever reason the card isn't working :( The screen has been smashed (I'm using the machine via NoMachine remote login). Is it possible that a broken screen can stop the card working and remove it from…
  • OK, an update. I trawled through the event log, and discovered entries about a wireless network connecting on an AR5BWB222 - so at one point in this machines life it definitely had that wireless card up & running. As suggested, here's device manager - ignore the Belkin and Bluetooth entries - they are two USB dongles I am…
  • Now I've got that longer number, it seems that it should have WiFi *and* bluetooth. Any reason why it doesn't, and there's no faulty hardware listed in device manager ? BIOS is the one it shipped with - not been flashed or fiddled with ?
  • Hi there. Yes I have tried that - but nothing happens. To be honest, that was one of the things which made me think this machine has inbuilt wifi. Why have a keyboard symbol for an unavailable feature ? I've managed to get some pictures now which have more number in - maybe someone can help me ? Or point me to somewhere…
  • I can only tell you what the DetectionTool tells me :( I have SNID and Serial number ?
  • Nobody ? Anywhere ?