


  • Hi Balatekie! I have an Acer Swift 1 Model SF114-32 C225 Notebook. Because the storage is limited, I need to upgrade to the highest storage possible without affecting performance efficiency. Question Is about the SSD specific and full data to do it. Can you please help me with this process? Ful information about my…
  • Last question. Attached are pictures of my PV SSD slot and the SSD I will try. As you noticed the SSD I chooses has just a notch as my PC connector. On one side the SSD matches laptop slot connectors but on the right side the SSD has 5 connectors and my PC has only 4. 
  • Thank you brummyfan2. I will try to do it by my self. Have a nice one.
  • I bought a acer Swift 1 Laptop - SF114-32-C225 few hours ago at Fred Meyer its looks grate at the store but now using the camera it has really bad definition. Is blurry and waving
    in camara Comment by JDMurillo May 2020