Hogman226 New User


  • I don't think this is just down to AMD Radeon, I have had AMD Radeon in my pc por 5 years and experienced nothing like this. This is a BIOS issue I am sure. Even if windows updates with the driver from Microsoft, it freezes the machine on installation. Same with the driver from Acer and AMD.
  • It is the Z3-605 it has an Intel HD 4000 and and an AMD Radeon card. The machine works ok with just the Intel, but windows will update the driver for the Radeon and it locks up immediately. I have tried different driver combinations, updated the BIOS. Only way to keep it stable is to use a reg hack to disable the driver…
  • Hi I have one of these machines on my desk. It had Win 8.1x64 installed. I removed the HDD and installed an SSD. Loaded Windows 10 1903 x64 onto the machine. I updated the Intel Graphics driver to the latest. As soon as the driver for the AMD Radeon is installed the machine simply locks up. Only way to solve is to hard…