


  • https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/26904243 New drivers didn't help i'm afraid. Oh well. I'll just give this one to my niece. She doesn't game :)
  • Will do. I'll post results when I get a chance. Cheers
  • but i'll give that a go when I get a chance. Cheers
  • thanks GAMING6698I did install the latest from the nitro 5 website recommended version for this laptop
  • No probs batmalin, yeah even a gtx1650 should run Fortnite pretty well.
  • I'm just trying to achieve a playable fps?? and you just proved my point! on the one hand you're telling me everything is fine.. on the other hand your posting even lower specced laptops playing Fortnite better than mine is at the moment. 
  • I'll be adding a second ram module and adding a HD soon.. i've seen performances improve by 4-5% doing this but in this case it'd be a miracle. I have a ton of work I have to get through so i'll post results in about 3 days for anyone interested. In the meantime any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  • It's plugged in battery is 100% i've set fans to max, set all power settings to max plugged in or unplugged, changed nvidia settings to use the 1660ti for everything as default, updated the bios,.. and the result is what I've posted. So something is very wrong with this gpu i'm thinking.
  • Average bench for desktop gtx 1660ti is 73.5%. where are you getting 39% from? I've seen a few reviews like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TnPzPZbo0E I'm came here looking for answers hoping people might have some insights but all I'm getting you trying to justify why this laptop can't even play Fortnight on low…
  • to make matter worse, the charger disconnects it self every 5 min.. and during gameplay disconnects every 5 seconds.. very poorly built
  • Also I don't know how you can see the graph you posted and tell me the card isn't performing poorly :)
  • average for this gpu is : 61.9% according to Userbenchmarks. I've tested a few games and they are not playable at all. Won't even run Fortnite and that game can run on a potato! Not what you expect from a gtx 1660ti. 
  • Where does it say the results are based on UHD 630? It clearly says the tested GPU is Nvidia GTX 1660 Ti (Mobile). Also assuming you're correct how do i switch it to use Nvidia GTX 1660 Ti (Mobile)? I done everything I could find to only use the 1660ti but same results. I have actually tested it using UHD 60 and the…
  • If you scroll down to the graphics card benchmark you can see it says 'Performing way below expectations (6th percentile)'
  • Oops didn't mean to post that.. anyway i got an Acer Nitro AN515-54 and the userbenchmark score is not very promising for gaming. The CPU seem's fine but the GPU is only at 6%? https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/26825336