Harshad_07 New User


  • I seeSo if I use higer mhz ram it won't make any difference Unfortunately it's hard to find a 16 gigs ram with cas latency of 17 here The one I found was this https://www.crucial.com/memory/ddr4/ct16g4sfd824a/ct10619767 Then I found this onehttps://www.amazon.in/dp/B01BNJL8K2/ref=cm_sw_r_wa_apa_i_dlT1_F-U2FbN0VF113 Which…
  • Kinda same thing happened with meAfter like 6 months or so I guessThen I installed SSD and use it for windows onlyAnd everything is working smooth since then (been like 2-3 years)