GoWest New User


  • Moin DeadInside, ich hatte eine ziemlich ähnliche Erfahrung. Auch Nitro 5 AN517-51 Tastatur nach wenigen Wochen und ohne Exzesssive Nutzung teilweise ausgefallen, nach langer Repratur zurückbekommen. Allerdings mit defektem USB-Port und einem Downgrade von 16 auf 8 GB RAM. Direkt wieder hin. Gute 2 Monate gewartet, gerade…
  • Oh, I did. It fixed it for the time being. But as it returned after a few days (specifically after a Windows update [Visual C++]) I am not confident it will stay fixed this time. Do you know any way to prevent this in the future or why this happens? All keys work fine right now, which is why I'm pretty sure it is not a…
  • I already tried those fixes with the exception of the battery reset, because I cannot for the life of me find the reset pinhole on the back. The problem was fixed by restoring a previous system image but then pops up again, just not always with the same keys. I'll try using an external keyboard once I have one available at…