Gloob New User


  • Hello and finaly thank you for all the help I'll contact acer and send my computer by 2 months I'll post my issue and will provide you an update by 2 month (if I remember ) Thank you for all Gloob
  • Ok thank you I'll do that. Should I contact acer (in this site) or the company where i bought my pc ? Spoiler (Highlight to read)En tout cas merci pour tout ce temps que tu m'as accordé pour me répondre Et aussi, personnelement, pourrais tu me dire que signifie "1 year on site" ? Que veux dire le "on site" ? C'est ce qui…
  • Hello, Yes, until December
  • Hello, So I tried to watch a dvd during 2 hours and during the movie, I had 2 freeze. I started watching the dvd with Cyberlink Power DVD 12. When freeze came, the application shut down and a message error pops up : After 2 freeze, I change and watched with VLC media player, with no freeze. I want to add that I think I…
  • Thanks for the answer, I will try tomorrow to watch a movie on my PC and will give you feedback after. Spoiler (Highlight to read)Tandis que la Suisse est pour la fondue/raclette Tandis que la Suisse est pour la fondue/raclette
  • Hi 1- So my Intel B85 chipset driver is up to date; there is no update. 2- my OS: windows 8.1 3- my graphic card is Nvidia GeForce GTX760 (1.5 GB) . I don't understand the question. The same of what ? 4- Especially when I play games, BUT, it happens sometimes too when I watch video/someting on the internet. I notified that…
  • Sorry but I don't see :/ Here is a screen : Which one is supposed to be my Chipset Intel ?
  • Hello Laurent_14 and thank you for your answer, I see that you are french so I will continue to answer you in french because French is my native language. I will keep "translating" what I say in case of a none-French person could help me too. Here is the French part: Spoiler (Highlight to read)Donc je ne suis pas un…