


  • New disk arrived. Installed and windows all installed nicely. So all good from getting the laptop working again. On the failed disk, installed it into a disk caddy and tried a number of data recovery programs but none of them could find any data, or partition. recuva, Stellar, Disk drill, easus, recoverit, AOMEI,…
  • It’s my son’s laptop and he has some homework on there that wasn’t backed up to the cloud. <facepalm>. I’ve ordered a usb caddie so I can take the drive out and plug it into my PC and try and see if anything can be recovered. Also ordered a replacement drive so I can try and install windows fresh onto that once it arrives.…
  • Yes I have the windows recovery disk loaded onto a 64GB SD card that’s in a usb multi card reader ( I didn’t have a usb stick spare and it seemed to do the trick!). So the windows recovery software is on disk 2. Disk 4 was another SD that I only just realised was still in the reader. Disk 0 is the internal 128GB SSD. . 
  • Thanks @billsey it doesn’t look too good!
  • thanks @Easwar I dont I don’t see a ‘reset PC’ option. Pls See screenshots for my attempts at alternatives including trying to restore from a windows recovery USB drive. Startup repair ‘couldn’t repair’ my PC either. 
  • Now the hard drive appears in the bios. But not as a bootable device. Any idea how to fix this pls?