FrostII1 New User


  • Yup, that's why I took that option.... Thanks for taking your time to help, it was appreciated.
  • Turns out it was local... worse scenario. Anyway, I found a hacker giving/selling Win 10 PW crackers and got one. He's from the Orient (some of the menu's were Chinese), but has a good site. His "free" app won't crack a Win 10 PW, but it would allow me to create a new user on the system... From there I was able to do a…
  • You are correct... She did the free Win 7 to Win 10 upgrade, and forgot to write down her password, so now can't log in to Win 10. I'm currently downloading an ISO image from the link you provided (which should take a while). I'll come back and ask about getting into recovery after I have the DVD made. Wonder if that ISO…
  • Windows 10 is installed.... My client forgot her new Win 10 password. But, if it's pre-OS load, would that matter?
  • Tried Alt-F10 several times (at boot before Win tries to load) and no joy....
  • Omg, thank you... Can't believe that is not in the user guide. I'll try that and get back to you........