FreemoX New User


  • Hmm... Not a bad suggestion. I checked the wire in the hinge though, and it seemed fine at the time. I might however have been so focused on the heat damage that I didn't focus enough on the wire in the hinges though. Won't say for sure, but I'll doubble check the wire at the hinges to confirm/eliminate this. I'm on…
  • Yeah, I found that one as well, but paying 41 USD for a internal LCD cable is out of the question. I was hired to repair a malfunctioning fan, and gave an estimate price of 10 USD for the repairs. Upon further inspection I found that the fan connector hadd melted, thus causing the problem. But my suspicion is that the…
  • Really? Thank you for your reply, but I can't seem to find it. I've searched Amazon before, and as usual, I only find RAM, harddrives, power cords and a inverter board, along with a few other parts that I don't need. It may be that my search criteria is wrong, but I would think searching for the part number, part name and…