DukenD New User


  • Thanks for the feedback, athalsten. If using your laptop while you're on a bed becomes necessary, you can use a bed tray to place your laptop on or a laptop cooler. If both are unavailable, you can improvise by placing your laptop over something that will still allow air to flow through the vents under the laptop. Here's…
  • Not sure on your level of expertise, though you appear to know quite a bit on the hardware side, so I'm gonna start with some basics on the software side. Was 80 Celsius the temperature reading on your CPU, GPU, or chassis internal, and was it on idle (0-5% CPU activity)? In any case, seems the ventilation cleanup and…
  • Oh there's no need to apologize! You have been doing great as help; you even took the effort looking for the stuff I might need. Thanks to you, I now have information on what I'm supposed to look for: * the service guide for this laptop model * a guide for flashing Phoenix BIOS * the relevant files/tools I'll be needing…
  • Thanks a lot Alan for the response. Unfortunately, the only flashdrives I have are the 8-Gb and 16-Gb ones I mentioned before, which both I cannot format to FAT. Looks like I have to look for and borrow older flashdrives with 4Gbs or less capacity for this... Another thing is none of the files inside the DOS folder of the…