Drees New User


  • Ok so model no. Is SF314-43-R65C, and as for the open file location I'm struggling to do so, as there does not seem to be an option for that specific command, not on start, or through the microsoft store or the task bar. I've also tried to open from file explorer but as these applications are installed straight from the…
  • so the magnifying glass route did not work and I'm not trying to save it to the taskbar I want the applications pinned/shortcutted to the main desktop screen. I'm downloading them from the Microsoft store so I don't know if that would make a difference or not but I downloaded google chrome from a browser and it auto added…
  • No there isn't, when I right click on the app from the taskbar the only options are (launch the app, unpin from taskbar and if its open the option to close it.) I've also tried opening the personalisation for the desktop and from what I can see there is no way to create app shortcuts from there either. when you right click…