Diode23 New User


  • Hey Billsey, again thanks for taking some time to look into our issue. Today I've brought a multimeter to test some of the circuit its part. Its power button changes the voltage running threw, so its safe to assume its still working. The battery did managed to charge up again although it took some hours todo, over 6 hours.…
  • Thank you for replying Billsey. Our warrenty expired. We've opened the tablet and took a picture attached below. Using a breadbord cable I've tried making contact between the connector its solder attachments. It did not start up the device however. After doing so I've tried the same approach to numerous transitors on the…
  • Hi Billsey, Thank you for taking the time to write a comment for our issue. We've tried the 30 second solution with just the power button as well as a combination with the nearest volume button. However the device did not powered back on. The issue is the device not powering on, rather than not / or shutting down. Since we…