Digisoul New User


  • I can't post screenshots. It says: * You have to be around for a little while longer before you can post links. Touchpad doesn't appear in Human Interface Devices, it appears only in Mie and other pointing devices as an Elan device. I changed the options you said too but they doesn't affect the stability. I think the…
  • I did as you said, still Advanced mode with drivers installed make the laptop have the problem when left-clicking while scrolling and right click still randomly appears. Also, I can't find ELAN drivers program, only a folder named "Elantech" and inside 3 files, an .ico, an unistall.exe and a.dll. Is it supposed to work…
  • I cannot find Synaptics drivers to uninstall it although it is installed.
  • After I installed both drivers I can tell that neither show up in Human Interface Devices BUT it does show up in Mice and other pointing Device as an ELAN I2C Filter Device while Synaptics does nothing. After I choose Basic in Bios I can tell it moves better but still lags and sometimes pops up the right-click menu.…
  • I changed it in Bios and finally, I installed ELAN driver and now touchpad is even more unstable. Now sometimes cursor even lags and stop moving while I move the cursor while touching left click. Is there any ELAN program installed with the driver I don't see? I think I have to get in contact with dealership...