


  • Thanks for the link! Would then be possible to just buy one module of 16GB and install it beside the 16GB I've already got? Or would I need to buy two of the modules in the link you provided and completely remove the module that's already in my laptop? If I understood correctly, every slot supports a maximum of 16GB so…
  • When you say each slot, do you mean that the total of 32GB has to be split between two cards of 16GB? Would this be the right choice? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Crucial-CT2K16G4SFD8266-PC4-21300-SODIMM-260-Pin/dp/B071H38422/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=32gb+ram+laptop&qid=1589034403&sr=8-6 (This the first time I'm trying to…
  • Thank you for the reply! Would this one suit too? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Crucial-CT32G4SFD8266-SODIMM-260-Pin-Memory/dp/B07ZLC26HY/ref=sr_1_15?dchild=1&keywords=crucial+memory&qid=1589024630&sr=8-15 And 2666 MT/s is the right choice for this type of laptop, right?
  • There you go