Dave2709 New User


  • Cheers, thanks for that JackE. That's just what I wanted to know. I have to get another base cover because the one that's broken has a chunk missing out of it, which makes plugging the psu in almost impossible. But now I know that they are pretty much identical. Dave
  • Hi JackE, Thanks for your response, but that's not answered the question I'm afraid. What I need to know is if cosmetically they are the same. So that if I was to get a base cover from a 7741G, would it fit a 7741? There's no point in purchasing a base cover only to find that the access doors don't line up or whatever.…
  • Hi, Sorry I didn't get back to you - had to go out for an extended period. Not sure what you mean by first 10 digits of the partnumber. But looking at your message, I can give you the first 10 digits of the serial number. Is this what you mean? The serial number is LXPXA02124******. Thankyou for your reply. Dave