DanyEl New User


  • Si nu e nimic de facut?Adica ce as putea face eu fara sa il duc la service? And there's nothing to do? What could I do without going to service? Translated by Acer- David
  • Daca pun mufa in el fara sa apas pe butonul de aprindere palpaie cu galben...cand il aprind sta aprins cel albastru si cel galben palpaie. If I put the plug in it without pressing the ignition button flashes yellow ... when it lights up, the blue and the pale yellow light are on. Translated by Acer- David
  • Daca scot incarcatorul se.inchide..si nu se mai aprinde fara sa.conectez incarcatorul.El merge acum ***** ar fi scoasa bateria. If I remove the charger, it closes ... and it does not turn on again without connecting the charger. It now goes like removing the battery. Translated by Acer- David