


  • Firstly, thank you! I did thought about that possibility, and thats why i took the laptop to a second repair station to replace the chip, maybe the first technician did something wrong that corrupt the chip. But i havent thought about the possibility of damage components, thats a good tip there, ill try to find another…
  • Hello, i hope this still helps, I had the same problem with my acer spin 5, i took it to a local repair station and asked for a BIOS reflash, they removed the chip and used an EPROM tool to do that. However my laptop was never again the same, maybe its a particular situation for my computer, good luck!
  • Amigo, obrigado pelo interesse! Mas consegui resolver, usei os seguintes passos: digitei serviços na barra de pesquisa do Windows Abri o programa Procurei na lista por “Serviço de Teclado Virtual e Painel Manuscrito” cliquei com o botão direito fui em propriedades e selecionei a opção para ativar automaticamente caso…