Daniel New User


  • Hi Travis, i'm sorry but i don't have any screenshots and for now no chance to reproduce the problem. Less time forced me to install the server using a fine working RAID 10 volume now. I don't know if you have the possibility to generate the error using the same configuration as i had. Please let us know if you get any…
  • Hi Travis, the size of the HDD's being used is 500GB for each HDD. Two of the HDD's are acer origin components WD5000AAKX the additional HDD's are also WD5000AAKX. So normally the complete volume should not be larger than 2TB. I've also tried a created RAID 5 volume built-up with three disks but this one didn't work either…
  • hi cashimaru, windows server 2003 should be installed on this unit using the acer smart setup. just insert the smart setup dvd, reboot the unit to start the setup and follow the instructions on the screen. you also need the windows server 2003 setup dvd for further setup. best regards, Daniel