Cyancreeper420 New User


  • Don't ask how to find them please. Because acer will most likely kill me if i tell you how to get it (for any1 that can't tell this is extreme exaggeration. I'll most likely not even suffer a consequence. But still that's not the point)
  • I've found out a way to get the exact same fans as what are in the pc that isn't acer and I won't say because I don't wanna put acer out of business. And Thank you for saying to replace them. And for the record we scrapped going to Currys a long time ago cause we found how expensive it would be
  • I would send a damage pic but it's that small my camera won't notice it without turning into a giant blur. Sorry. Also there was no fin inside the machine which I'm guessing it fell out upon removal of the case and we didnt notice
  • Last night I opened up the laptop. Me and my dad managed to get the case off without any special tools. Just a normal screw driver and a long thumbnail. We looked at the fans and blew into them to clean them but we noticed a fan fin missing (bear in mind there the metal aero blade ones) which has led us to believe that the…
  • And yes that is my model. I just didn't know where to find it on the device. My bad😀
  • What would you recommend to pry the casing open because I don't have any fancy tools to do so
  • It's the ph371-51 And no the laptop is no longer under warranty (don't know if it even had warranty in the first place) haven't taken the laptop apart because I'm too scared to in case I break something 
  • Predator helios 300 and the model is N17C3. Here's a link to the short vid I made. Ignore the rest of the channel.