CiprianD New User


  • The chipset for the model I have is 100 series so Intel Optane is not supported, at least 200 series is needed. Guess I'll have to get a SSD. Thank you for all the responses.
  • Yes, Intel Kaby Lake-U + iHDCP 2.2 Premium PCH is what appear in the HWiNFO chipset info box. UEFI appears as present. I'm going to check the Intel Rapid Storage Technology if it's at least 15.5, still couln't find any define info if this chipset is at least 200. What I found is that it may be a transition version which…
  • The chipset is Intel Kaby Lake-U + iHDCP 2.2 Premium PCH So I tend to believe Intel Optane should work with this chipset. Am I right?