Boudreau New User


  • Oh my... of course the drive letter was missing from my SSD! Simple fix and I completely over looked it... so now thats working, the only issue im having is my Graphics drivers not working while in a game. 
  • I will check the drives when I get home from work. Interesting, Ive always had the other nvidia options before I reformatted. that being said, when I have a game open, its frame rate is extremely low. like 5-9FPS very choppy, very laggy, cannot even play World of Warcraft at graphics settings 1. with zero addons. I know I…
  • Yes, in the bios its showing HDD1 as my NVMe 256g and HDD2 as my 512g SATA SSD. ​​​//Edited the content to hide serial number. Device manager is showing both NVMe and SSD, with no errors. File explorer not showing SSD drive. When im able to get to the 'nvidia control panel' as you can see there are lots of missing options…