Bertje New User


  • I am convinced that it is a hardware problem so it dont think it will matter what OS you run. But you can try. It will only prove more you're right.
  • How long ago did you buy the laptop? You can always show them this thread. I didn't need to prove anything. I went back within a week after getting the new laptops (I had three! new laptops at the same shop (in the Netherlands), all suffering the same issue, so in all it took me almost a month before I had the fourth one…
  • Hi Steliosfran, like I mentioned in my story above I had the problem with THREE brand new laptops of this type from the same shop. Finally I bought my laptop (same type!) from another shop and this one has no problems whatsoever. So my conclusion was (is) that it is a hardware problem with a specific batch. I don't know…
  • Hi Silencer, just an update from me: I had three new V3-772G laptops with the same issue: power interrupts. BIOS version did influence the severity of it. I bought them at the same shop. Finally I bought my current laptop (same type) at another shop. I have it now for two weeks. Guess what: no more power interrupts or…
  • Update: I bought the same type of laptop at another shop hoping it was a batch problem. They had a 14% return on this type (3 out of 25) but it was not clear what the issues were. I received the laptop yesterday and after some positive preliminary tests I decided to go for the real thing: I installed windows 8.1 plus the…
  • Hi, read my post about power interrupts with V3 772G. You most probablyy have the same issue. I had a mixed up screen once also. It most probably is a BIOS problem (Acer more or less confirms that, see my posts). BIOS 1.08 is more stable then 1.11 but still not good enough to get rid of the interrupts completely. My…
  • I brought back my third laptop having the same power interrupt issue after calling Acer and I got a refund from the store where I bought it (I can really recommend buying your stuff at this store if you're Dutch). I opened a case at Acer and got an answer containing the following text (translation follows): Momenteel zijn…
  • I notice that Acer withdrew BIOS 1.11. This proves that the power interrupts are caused by BIOS errors. 1.08 has the same issue but it is more or less manageable. Hope they fix the BIOS soon with 1.12 version. But I don't want to be the first person to try a new BIOS. Any heroes here? BTW: I have a new laptop, same type, I…
  • STAY AWAY FROM BIOS 1.11!!!! After I updated my BIOS from 1.08 to 1.11 the laptop just powers off almost continuously. A managed to get to the loing window, but as soon as I press enter after entering my password the power shuts down. I managd to get into a command prompt and tried to start the bios 1.08 installer (after…
  • Hi Vince, thanks, yes it is the quad core 32 gig beast. It is not java and it's not flash either as I suspected earlier. And it also happens on a clean factory installation AND a clean genuine windows 8.1 installation without any additional software installed but chrome. Chance of happening is highest when browsing and…
  • OK guys, follow up: suspect no1 = Adobe Flash! It so happened thatpowerdowns took place during using a browser (IE, Chrome,FF) and during flash activity.So I switched it off now. Let's see whathappens. Steve Jobs right after all? I'll keep you infomed