BarryDee New User


  • Hello ... billsey. You are right and in fact, DVI to DVI is the only way to get 144Hz from this monitor and my MSI (desktop) doesn't have DVI. It would be so helpful if the monitor manufacturers would put that information on the box. Anyway, no worries. I have since returned the Acer and reinvested my money in a new…
  • Hello ... Sharanji. It was as I feared. I picked up both cables this morning, went back home and tried them - no luck with either. This monitor will only do 144hz with DVI to DVI. This has also been confirmed by another Community member. Why don't these people (Acer, Asus etc) put this on the box ? Anyway, no worries. I…
  • Hello Sharanji ... and thank you. Alas, my MSI only has HDMI and DisplayPort. I tried Dual-Link DVI to HDMI with an adapter but no luck. I've ordered DVI to DisplayPort and DVI to HDMI cables (ie without adapters) which I'll get next week ... but I'm not holding my breath. It looks like I'll have to try another monitor. At…