AsgerSOG New User


  • Windows 8.1 (USB)
  • None of those links worked for me. 
  •  So whenever I press ALT+F10, I get this message. I tried booting to the installation media but after I click install, nothing happens.
  • Ok, so I tried all of those, and none of them worked. Thanks for trying though. UPDATE: So, I when I hold ALT+F10 (Each time I boot up), I boot into Ubuntu OS, which was the last software I donwloaded. I'm going to find a way to boot into Windows. JordanB wrote:If you accidentally installed Windows in legacy mode, then…
  • Ok, so this worked. I managed to reset the BIOS and now I can change things. The only problem I have left is that I load my laptop up, and it says 'No Bootable Device'. I have no idea how to fix that. JordanB wrote:Did you get a chance to read through the entire link below? Because it sounds like the same issue that they…
  • Ok, so; 1. When I start my computer, it boots past the Acer logo, and comes up with an error saying 'No bootable device', and nothing else happens, I can only turn it off and on. I can access BIOS, but it won't let me change anything. 2. I cannot change anything in BIOS, only sroll through the settings. philetus wrote:You…
  • The problem is I can't change any settings INSIDE of BIOS. I type in my password, it's fine. I come up to the tabs, where I can scroll through settings, except I cannot change anything; **for example**, if I wanted to change my password, I would be able to because it won't let me access its setting. (Every option that is…
  • When I say 'Get past the password section', I'm just stating that I don't need to reset the password or anything like that. It's just everytime I've post a similar topic on another website, I've had replies telling me to reset the password and then it's all fixed. *My problem is not with my password* philetus wrote:What do…