C: drive root directory filing with mystery files

chasdarwin Member Posts: 3 New User

(Acer desktop with Windows 8)


The C: drive root directory has over 5 dozen files with names like:




New ones appear every few days, sometimes more than one a day.  Viewing them with Notepad they appear to be in Chinese, reason I'm suspecting they may be coming from Acer.  Here's a short extract from one; they're mostly around 3K in size.




Anybody know what these are, and how to direct them somewhere other than the root directory ?



  • Leho
    Leho Member Posts: 525 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon


    You and I both.  I'm getting them also and have no idea what they are. I haven't had the nerve to delete one to see what happens.

    Anybody know what is going on?


  • granto
    granto Member Posts: 6 New User

    im pretty sure these are windows back up files , possibly for system restore

  • granto
    granto Member Posts: 6 New User

    http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110517160948AA6HxHB see here, dont think its anything to worry about unless your short on space

  • Leho
    Leho Member Posts: 525 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon


    I read the yahoo answers file.  It doesn't really add much to my comfort level. But thanks for your effort.

    Anybody from Acer have a definitive clue as to what these files are?


  • chasdarwin
    chasdarwin Member Posts: 3 New User

    At 3K each, not too worried about filling up 500 gig drive.  Just annoying to have this stuff clutter up root directory.  Have never seen this on any other PC, usually routine updates get tucked away out of sight somewhere.


    Yesterday I did delete one of the files, one dated a few months back.  Few minutes later some background app failed repeatedly, had to kill it with Task Manager.  App was named  update~1.exe  so I agree with poster that suggested this was part of some sort of update process.  After reboot, no further problems.


    Sampling several files with Notepad, all come out as Chinese characters.  Hard to believe Microsoft is sending them.   


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