Is ComfyView™ just a fancy term for "Anti Glare"? What screen replacement should I get?

SquishyMuffin Member Posts: 30 Die Hard WiFi Icon
edited November 2023 in 2019 Archives
Hey community,

I'm still rocking Acer Predator 17 G9 791. I need to replace the screen due to a single blue line of pixels on the screen (I've been able to wiggle the screen around at certain pressure points to get rid of it, but now it's permanent).

There are a couple of sources to get a replacement from. However, what's confusing is some mention Matte; Anti Glare ComfyView™ finish and some just say Matte; Anti Glare.

My two questions are:

1. is ComfyView™ just a marketing term or is actually an additonal touch from Acer in addition to 'Anti Glare'?

2. Should I get the exact same model number screen as my current - (notice how it says it's an LG, which is what my screen is, but no ComfyView™  mentioned)

or - (here the specific Acer brand is mentioned, with ComfyView™)

Any general opinions are welcome, thank you for you time.
