Problem with monitor warranty

Yaroslav Member Posts: 1 New User
edited February 2024 in 2019 Archives

Hey, guys!
I like Acer products so much, but I have to claim for help, because I have a problem with the display Acer G226HQLLbid I bought at 2014.

At the beginning of April 2017, the display began to fade out. It means that in a few days the screen of display become fully white and shows nothing, so I am not able to work with it. For guarantee service my display was taken to the authorized service center of Acer “RSS Togliatti” at the city of Togliatti, Russia. From the service center I received display at the working condition, but at accompanying forms was pointed that flashing of the display processor was performed and no defect was found.

However, after a few days the screen became white again. At May 13, 2017, I took my display to the service again and completely described my problem to their staff. Particularly I pointed that flashing of the display processor did not help to solve my problem. They fixed my words at accompanying forms and sent the display to “RSS Togliatti” again. “RSS Togliatti” performed a service for 36 days and after that I received my display with accompanying forms showing that flashing of the display processor was performed!

Therefore, the service center for the second time performed operation, which did not help to repair the display. According to this, I am sure that if I take display to home it become white again in a few days. So, from the 13 of May 2017 I do not take the display from the serivce. I am afraid to take it because already for three times it is likely to turn white after 3-4 days.

I wrote about this problem to russian support of Acer at 6 of August (Incidents No. **********, **********, *********). They noticed that will give a complete answer in 24 hours. So, I am waiting for their answer since 6 August.

Now I got an evidence that the monitor had a defect during the warranty period and I did not get any solution of my problem.

So, I am asking you to made service center to perform a quality service and russian support of Acer to give me an answer.


And by the way, please help me to understand what the problem had happened with my monitor.


Best regards,



[edited for privacy-please do not post personal or unique information such as but not limited to full names, email addresses, phone numbers, full serial numbers, etc.]


  • korzh_yura
    korzh_yura Member Posts: 5 New User
    edited September 2019
    Ответа так и не было?

    There was no answer?
    [Post edited as the member posted in Russian language -Acer-Harvey]
  • zubairkhanzhk
    zubairkhanzhk Member Posts: 3 New User
    edited September 2019
    Helpful thread. I want to ask that last year I have bought AOC Q2778VQE monitor but not I am facing a problem with the port. Approx 15 days left in the expiration of my warranty. So can I claim?
  • Harvey-Acer_Retired
    Harvey-Acer_Retired Member Posts: 330 Seasoned Practitioner WiFi Icon
    Hello zubairkhanzhk

    Yes, You can absolutely claim it, Contact Acer at your region for further help.  
    Smile :)
  • zubairkhanzhk
    zubairkhanzhk Member Posts: 3 New User
    Hello zubairkhanzhk

    Yes, You can absolutely claim it, Contact Acer at your region for further help.  
    Thanks for your reply. I will claim. 
  • zubairkhanzhk
    zubairkhanzhk Member Posts: 3 New User
    Hello zubairkhanzhk

    Yes, You can absolutely claim it, Contact Acer at your region for further help.  
    Thanks for your reply. I will claim.