Aspire AX1470-UR26 Do I install both VGA drivers listed? (Nvidia and AMD) + screen "blinked"

Music Member Posts: 3 New User
edited March 2024 in 2019 Archives
Hey everyone, new here.

This may be obvious to most everyone but I thought it best to ask first.

I have an Acer Aspire AX1470-UR26 with Windows 8, back a good while ago I added RAM and it has a total of 12 Gigs now and it's running everything off a cloned SSD with the original HDD for backup and I checked here for newer drivers mainly because I will be getting a new touchscreen monitor to use along with the HD one I already have.

So, I put in my serial number and there's the list of downloads. I has both Nvideo and AMD drivers listed as VGA drivers.

Would I install both?

If so is there an order to install them?

It also listed a chipset driver, so if I do 2 (1 VGA and the chipset or all 3) is there an order there?

I use that computer only for audio recording and mixing and the reason I thought of updating graphics drivers is I have a 40" 1080p monitor as the screen I had been using plugged into the HDMI out of the computer. I decided a while back to have a 2nd monitor to slide some stuff over to that I need but I want out of the way, so I used an old Sony 19" non HD flat screen using the VGA out of the computer and it worked fine.
Then a friend gave me a bigger monitor, I think a Dell, it is I think a 24" maybe HD but that I tried through the VGA output and then later that day I'd had the computer on for a bit to record but we got to talking and out of the side of my eye I saw the screen (the main one, 40" using the HDMI output) kind of "blink" a couple times as if it either lost power for a split second, or the screen changed or something. The little 24" one hooked through VGA was to my side but back too far, don't know if that "blinked"
It only happened a few times, but not back to back, there was some time between, then when my friend left I just shut down the computer and unplugged the little monitor just to be on the safe side and never hooked it back up.

But now I want to get a touch screen that has HDMI and VGA outs along with usb for the touch data, (I'd like both monitors to be HDMI but only have one out on computer) to use for my mixing board in the DAW (recording program) and the 40" as my main screen. Others have done it and so I know it works with the DAW, but the blinking screen(s) made me look around and some folks said update drivers, so....

Here I am to get drivers but need to know what I asked waaaaay up at the top of my rambling on.

I figured while asking about that I should put in the original problem.

Thanks in advance.



  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,601 Trailblazer
    No, you shouldn't install both of them. There are two versions because some SKUs came with one and some with the other. Device Manager will tell you which display type you have.
    Usually something like the blink happens because the cable isn't quite seated. Check that out.
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  • Music
    Music Member Posts: 3 New User
    Thanks billsey,

    So I go to Device Manager and look under "Display Adapters" to see if it's Nvidi or AMD?

    Will it also tell me version so I can see if I need to update or if I have the ones they had for download?

    Then if I do need to update, would I do the chipset or VGA 1st?

    Thanks much!
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,601 Trailblazer
    Yeah, if you bring up properties on it you should be able to see the driver version. It wouldn't surprise me if you don't already either have the latest, or one even later if Windows Update has been doing its thing. The chipset drivers are for the motherboard peripherals, dealing with SATA, USB and the like. You shouldn't need to do anything with those.
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  • Music
    Music Member Posts: 3 New User
    Cool, thanks, I shall order one and see how it goes.

    As for updates, I never have that computer online so haven't updated but haven't seen any reason to so I'll check the drivers and just see how the new monitor works which I am hoping will be perfect. 

    Thanks again!