Lately, my Acer Aspire S7-191 has been behaving rather strangely : A couple of months ago, and for no particular reason, it decided not to turn on when openning the lid. I tried everything from tightening the small screw at the rear of the unit (which is known to cause this kind of problem when it gets loose..) to performing battery resets.
After each battery reset, the laptop would boot to the Acer logo for a few seconds (~3-4 seconds) only to immediately shut down...
It's been sitting like this for the last couple of months since I did not have enough time to take care of this properly...
Anyway, a couple of days ago, I decided to give it another ago. Only this time, I decided to tighten all of the rear panel screws and perform another battery reset. For some reason, my laptop decided to boot just fine. I even got to log in to Windows and use it for about an hour or so (with the power cable plugged in ofc). I was so happy to be able to use my computer...until it shut down suddenly again. Thing is, if I let sit for an hour or so, it will turn on again but randomly shut down after some time (sometimes after 30 mins, sometimes after an hour and a half...)
Now I'm kind of clueless about what I should be doing next.
What do you think is the problem with my laptop ?
I'm sorry if this issue has already been adressed before, but I can't seem to find any suitable answer to my problem.
Thank you for taking your time answering me.
My Laptop :
Acer Aspire s7-191-33214G12ass
Intel Core i3-3217U 1.8 GHz, 4GB DDR3, 128GB SSD, Intel HD Graphics 4000
Windows 10 home 64 bits
Ps : I did notice, when tightening the screws in the back, that the top left one (near the hinge) will not tighten and just keep spinning (but I don't know if it's related to my problem)