2018 Acer 15 Chromebook shuts down when lid is closed or screen sleeps

cjcrawford Member Posts: 5


edited November 2023 in 2018 Archives
Just started happening 3/19/18.  No new HW or SW, computer has not even been moved.  I've checked all the power settings.  I have not tried a powerwash yet....  This has got to be a SW issue either in a Chrome update or ACER firmware.  Thanks.


  • Sharanji
    Sharanji ACE Posts: 4,328 Pathfinder
    edited March 2018
    Chromebooks are designed to go into 'sleep mode' if you are logged in and you close the lid.
    If you are not logged in and close the lid, they are designed to power off.
    Chrome OS doesn’t offer a way to control power settings. You can’t override the timeout by plugging in a power cord, either.

    "Keep Awake" is a tiny Chrome extension made by Google that can disable Chromebook sleep mode from kicking in, both if the lid is closed or when the idle sleep timeout is reached. You can download it from Chrome webstore
    The extension adds a small button to the Chrome toolbar menu. This button can be clicked to toggle between modes that override the default power settings of Chrome OS:
    Sun Icon — Screen kept on and all power management suspended
    Sunset Icon —Screen will dim/blank but system won’t sleep
    Moon Icon —Power management untouched
    Keep Awake is a free download, is made by Google, requires no permissions and is designed for Chrome OS.

    Hit 'Like' if you find the answer helpful!   
    Click on 'Yes' if the comment answers your question!
  • cjcrawford
    cjcrawford Member Posts: 5


    Thanks, I understand all that.  I am logged in but when the lid is closed or the screen times out I do not sleep but the machine turns off and I have to complete a hard reboot to start the machine.  Power/screen settings are set to sleep.  This was working perfectly until 4 days ago.  Chris.
  • cjcrawford
    cjcrawford Member Posts: 5


    BTW, if I turn off sleep mode in the power settings the computer stays on all the time even with lid closed as expected, so this setting works.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,175 Trailblazer
    >>> I have not tried a powerwash yet.>>>

    What are you waiting for? :)  Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • cjcrawford
    cjcrawford Member Posts: 5


    powerwash and 3/23/18 Chrome build did not fix the problem.  Sending back to ACER under warranty
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,175 Trailblazer
    >>>Sending back to ACER under warranty >>>

    Yep. That's the best answer at this point! Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • cjcrawford
    cjcrawford Member Posts: 5


    update - 4/11/`8 - send ACER 15 back for repair, came back a few days later with note: "powerewashed device and everything tested and working".  I had powerwashed it a few times but nevermind... It did indeed work - for five days - opened it today, noticed that Chrome OS was rebooting, hit "restore pages" and voila! same problem: lid closure or screen time out and I need to hard reboot the computer.  At this point, I'll just hang on to it and see if future SW fixes the problem.  I might send it in once more just before the warranty expires.  Frustrating.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,175 Trailblazer
    Power wash it a few more times for good measure. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • padgett
    padgett ACE Posts: 4,532 Pathfinder
    Not sure if related but my CB3 reboots when power is restored after being turned off. Seems automagic.
  • Iktome
    Iktome Member Posts: 2 New User
    My Acer Chromebook was shutting down every time I shut the lid, I went to settings>device>power>and turned off "sleep when closed" (I have no idea why it was on but......) This cured my problem.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,175 Trailblazer
    @Iktome Thanks for your fix. I guess your's was on "sleep when closed" and "don't wake when opened" :) Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Spaniel3
    Spaniel3 Member Posts: 1 New User
    I am having the same issue as noted by cjcrawford.  All of a sudden, when I shut the lid on my Acer 15 Chromebook, the screen goes black when I open it up.  I have to then power off and restart to go again.  I have not added anything at all.  Worked fine yesterday but today - this issue.  If I do a powerwash will I lose all my favorites and bookmarks?
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,175 Trailblazer
    @Spaniel3 So try @Iktome fix first before doing anything more. https://community.acer.com/en/discussion/comment/580471/#Comment_580471 Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • wis
    wis Member Posts: 713 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    For about 4-5 months, 5 years old Acer C710-2847, after opening browser with pop-up message: "Chrome did not shut down correctly" with an option to restore.  Login & browsing began to crawl.  This week after closing lid to put device into sleep mode, reopening lid produced a black screen.  After 1-2 minutes the device shuts itself down.

    Followed YouTube video about screen replacement to make sure it was not a loose connection.  Not a hardware problem & no fix.

    Did a Powerwash.  No fix.

    Did OS Reinstall, no fix.  Next day upon startup, this message: "Chrome OS is missing or damaged."  Did OS Reinstall a second time, which fixed the "shut down upon wake-up from sleep" issue.  Problems over past months appear to be the result of corrupt files.  The recovery tutorial: https://support.google.com/chromebook/answer/1080595?hl=en
  • wis
    wis Member Posts: 713 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    Very important to sync your browser (https://support.google.com/chromebook/answer/2914794?hl=en) to avoid losing bookmarks/extensions & to save files to second flash drive before attempting Powerwash (Factory Reset) or OS Reinstall.  Both procedures will wipe the hard drive/ssd clean & install a new copy of OS without the personal data.
  • wis
    wis Member Posts: 713 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    Edit option not available to new users.
    My first 9/17/18 post, last paragraph, second sentence should read "shut down no wake up from sleep" & "corrupted files".
  • ChromieBob
    ChromieBob Member Posts: 21 Networker
    Yep, having the same power-off problem during sleep.  I often find the machine off or has rebooted at some point showing the browser asking to restore pages.
    Powerwashed, reinstalled, changed channels, cast magic spells, nothing works.

    There are HEAPS of problems with these new machines and no apparent solutions.  Graphics glitches, random power offs, the file manager not showing files, MicroSD cards dismounting while sleeping etc. etc. etc. etc.
  • wis
    wis Member Posts: 713 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
     Problem began with Chrome OS version 65.0.3325.209 which was released 4/5/18.  It appears that Google has not fixed the bugs in subsequent versions either.

    My device has a software problem, not hardware issue.  The Acer C710 is so old that Chrome OS is no longer supported.  I had hoped with the OS Reinstall I would be able to stay on the previous version, but as soon as the device was connected to the Internet; the update to version 65.0.3325.209 occurred automatically.  Unfortunately it requires developer mode & commandline (http://https//www.quora.com/Is-it-possible-to-turn-off-updates-on-a-Chromebook) to disable the automatic update.  When multiple OS Reinstalls become  tedious,  I'll have to try disabling the automatic update.  Disabling updates is not a solution for newer owners.

    For users with newer Chromebooks, they should consider reporting the bugs, http://dev.chromium.org/for-testers/bug-reporting-guidelines.  When a critical mass of users report the bugs, Google will have to fix them.  If there is an email address to communicate with a specific Google developer about these bugs, it would be very helpful.  It's easier for Google to ignore complaints if it is hiding behind an impersonal website.  It's harder for an actual Google developer to brush you off, especially if you are persistent when inquiring about the progress of potential solutions.

  • wis
    wis Member Posts: 713 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    It appears that the first link is broken.

    For no-longer-supported Chromebook owners, who are not intimidated by the commandline: https://www.quora.com/Is-it-possible-to-turn-off-updates-on-a-Chromebook.  I have no experience with it, so can't say if it will keep device on pre-65.0.3325.209 version.
  • wis
    wis Member Posts: 713 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    While owners of newer Chromebooks wait patiently for Google to fix the bugs, they have the option of dual boot with Linux Mint 18.1 which is very stable, user-friendly & best of all, open source (free).  I installed Linux Mint on my PC when Microsoft stopped support of Windows XP & have been very pleased with it.   Version 19 was released this past June. Tried Ubuntu. It was a bear by comparisons.  If your Chromebook appears on this webpage, under the 3rd column, "RW_LEGACY firmware" & you don't mind doing a little work; consider keeping your Chrome OS on 1 partition & adding Linux Mint 18.1, Mate on another.   

    The tricky part is changing the BIOS to permit the addition & boot of Linux Mint or whichever Linux distribution you prefer.  As explained under  
    "Firmware Update Types", RW_LEGACY will change the BIOS minimally & thus least likely to cause your Chromebook to be unusable.  Because this type does not require disabling the firmware write-protect hardware, it's not necessary to open up the back of the device; thus not voiding the warranty. Unfortunately my Acer C710-2847 has the SandyBridge chipset.  With only the Full ROM firmware available, this means I need to disable the write-protect jumper, flashing the BIOS is more hazardous & that I must choose between Chrome OS or Linux Mint (no dual boot). 

    Why not Crouton/ChrUbuntu? Just reading about it, is enough to bring on headaches. 

    For the lucky duckies, helpful tutorials (especially those from Fascinating Captain) are listed below:
    1) Entering Developer Mode
    2) Exiting Developer Mode via CLI
    3) Flashing the BIOS
    4) Dual Boot Linux Mint
    5) Dual Boot other Linux distributions via CLI

    If you are happier with only the buggy Chrome OS, turn back the clock with Wipe Linux & Restore Chrome OS.