ES1-711-ZYL cannot install W10

CWB Member Posts: 10 New User
edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives

hello ,


i am trying to install W10 on a machine that has a legit copy of W8.1 in place .

i have tried three methods :

windows media creator

iso usb installer

the windows "mount-n-boot" installer

in each case the machine chokes on the first reboot and reverts to 8.1

there is an error message :


and it mentions "first phase boot failure" (or similar wording)

also mentioned was an expired security exe .


i did not see a specific thread for this model of comp .

some recon/google-fu shows that there are a lot of people having issues installing W10 .

any help will be most appreciated .


  • CWB
    CWB Member Posts: 10 New User

    also ...

    i should mention a little history of this machine .

    it was *worked on* by a friend of the young lady that owns it .

    when i fired it up , i discovered that the copy of 8.1 was "not genuine" (and that is as far as i wanted to go with that) .

    i *managed* to *finally* get a copy of 8.1 installed ...

    there were error messages , hung reboots , "first phase boot failure" and a few other items .

    in particular was this one that showed in both the 8.1 and W10 installs :

    0XC1900101 – 0x20017 (and 0x30017)

    the 8.1 install hangs on shutdown ... i have to force a hard shutdown .

    it does restart ok though .


    this machine had a busted lcd and the above problems when i took on the repair of it .

    (found one for 65 bucks ... one stuck pixel in the corner ... cheap/good enough)

    it is for a young gal that is going to college ...

    and as many of us know from first hand experience , money can be/is *tight* .

    (i recall my first tuition and books/materials expenditures in '74)

    over the years , i have cracked open many a can 'o worms ... why should anything change now ?

    Man Very HappySmiley Tongue

  • CWB
    CWB Member Posts: 10 New User

    hmmm ... 168 views and no response .


    i have tried several methods/things to load W10 on the laptop to no avail .

    i even tried a 100% wipped drive and two different install methods and got the same "a security component has expired"

    on a machine with absolutely no operating system !

    i chacked all the usual things ... time/date , correct key , etc .

    i have to use the legacy bios as the uefi produces "no bootable device" .


    ya know , i am about to take this thing and ...

    however , i shall digress .


    i suppose the next thing is to contact tech support .

    yep , i looked around for the addy ... could not find one .

    does anybody have the address ?

  • Hyuk
    Hyuk Member Posts: 301 Skilled Practitioner WiFi Icon

    Hello Smiley Very Happy


    Maybe this could help?  Most of the information i found mentioned incompativility with drivers. you mentioned it doesn't have the original OS so maybe there's a driver that's causing the conflict.

  • CWB
    CWB Member Posts: 10 New User

    i thought i had posted here about the *fix* i used ... ooopppsss .


    after trying many different suggestions and going to the point of wiping an entire drive and attempting an install and still having W10 produce the same results ...

    i installed a copy of W7 and found the drivers that were compatible with W7 and the laptop .

    mind you , it took some effort but not near as much as the time i *wasted* on attempting the install of a less-than-noble OS .


    i even tried to install W10 on a couple of other machines ... the end results were just about the same .

    so , here i sit with a key i purchased and nowhere to stick it .

    my personal opinion ...

    if you know nothing about computing and do not care about what is really going on "behind the scenes" (just google "W10 sucks") , then by all means , go purchase a brand new machine with W10 installed .

    however , if you are like me , this is unacceptable on more than one level .

    so , who is at fault here ?...

    once again , the end user/consumer has been taken to the cleaners .


  • Trukntigger
    Trukntigger Member Posts: 256 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon

    Sorry about the trouble your having. Lack some info, the windows 10 you purchased is just a key? Not actual media like a dvd or usb stick? Guessing if just a key you need say a 4gb flash drive (or bigger), working windows machine and download copy of 10 from microsoft and the software tool. Use the tool on the flash drive and creat the bootable install media with the win10 file you downloaded.  Next is as you guessed- legacy mode or uefi install mode. The hard drive your installing too must be cleaned- that is all partitions erased.  uefi is very picky about the partitions.  Normally I use a external usb hard drive enclosure- place the drive in that and on a working windows machine clear this info on the drive I'm installing too. After this, reinstall hard drive, setup bios, boot from the usb stick you created and the install should run. When windows ask for that code you can input it.  SHould work barring hardware issues.


    Again I want to stress the hard drive your installing too must be cleared of partition info.  Uefi very picky about it.  As you see in this link the usb boot install will create them. If corrupt partitions are on the drive now (sounds like it) windows will not install.  Also I personally have had problems with the tool flashing the install bad on the usb drive and had to redo it serveral times to get it to run. (not sure bad flash stick, pc to slow/fast or what) Hope this helps.

  • CWB
    CWB Member Posts: 10 New User

    hmmm ...

    the HDD i used was completely wiped ... all "0" ... no partition information there .

    i tried 6 different F-sticks (32 gig) ... using the M$ tool and three different stick writers .

    several different downloads ... including those directly from M$ via the desktop "installer" and the dl' with the key .

    i removed the cd/dvd drive in the laptop .

    disabled the wireless in the BIOS .

    etc .

    the efforts were for naught .


    as "time is money" , i figure that somewhere around $1300 of my *time* was wasted on this disaster of an OS .

    i will do all within my abilities to not go anywhere near W10 again .

    i do not believe it is a lack of understanding on my part ... i am not a neophyte when it comes to electronics/comps/etc .

    i made a living for/through a good portion of my life as a broadcast engineer and commercial/industrial electrical and electronic repair .

    i am aware that one person cannot hope to possibly know everything and this is where asking the advice of others is important .

    in summation , my firm belief and stance is :

    there is *something* seriously wrong going on and people would be wise to be aware , and this only happens through education .



  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    you wrote, i had to use Legacy boot...


    apart not having a good bootable device under UEFI, have you managed to finally boot from windows installation media?


    if not, try to use Rufus to create a bootable windows 10 x64 flash drive:


    set it as on the website screenshot and burn the iso.

    once done boot to BIOS pressing F2 and check if under Boot menu, F12 boot list menu is available and enable it, enable UEFI; press F10 to save and exit.

    at next boot with the USB flash drive plugged, boot pressing F12 and choose the USB flash drive.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • CWB
    CWB Member Posts: 10 New User

    rufus was one of the formatters i used , with the others being RMP and universal pendrive linux .

    i also used the methods i/were mentioned on two other machines , with the same results .


    in short , i come from the era of loading an OS from a stack of 1.44MB floppies ...

    and i have never had this kind of hassle with the installation of any other OS .


    to pursue this matter on the laptop mentioned is a case of :


  • CWB
    CWB Member Posts: 10 New User

    ehhh ... can't edit the link ... it was to a smily guy hammering on a dead horse .

    (seems rather appropos)


    there was a fourth formatter i used ... part of the windows media installer download .

  • Trukntigger
    Trukntigger Member Posts: 256 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon

    I actually chuckled on that  Smiley Happy  Went back to top and reread this issue.  There is something else not right.  You state you even tried the install on other machines with similar results indicates a problem with the install media.  Thinking the source bad or corrupted. You also said on this machine that the windows 8 was not legit...that is a red flag for me. Overall it really is easier now to install windows than back when I too used the 3.5 floppy- all 7 of them. Heck I used to run the big 5 inches on a Apple  in dos (take hole punch to them to use both sides- recall that?).


    Yes UEFI is a pain in the butt.  Its better security wise but legacy mode works well enough. So easy mode says legacy, means USB stick and regular ntfs files system on that stick. One of my issues with the newer mode- seems to work better when install media on usb is matching the install itself- uefi usb-uefi pc/ ntfs usb-ntfs pc. Legacy is NTFS (yea). Better still would be burn a DVD disc and go that route.


    Sum it up- fresh download on a trusted pc. Fresh install media created- go legacy mode/ntfs files system. Install drive cleared- careful on this one, OEM drives normally have a hidden partition for restore mode that is hidden from even windows and seen only in a preboot/bios/dos environment. Then cross fingers and windows installs. Install drivers in correct order. Throw a party.


    Other thought- obviously not there doing this for you but are you working with correct version of this stuff? ie: 64 bit vs 32 bit? Is the actual hardware setup look right in bios, by this I mean hard drive match up. Boot order info right? When in doubt, reset to defaults on everything, even a bios password and go from there. There are so many configurations that this stuff gets rather problematic to troubleshoot via chat boards. Doing what I can as a former tech and making best guess. Let us know-

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    Honestly on a UEFI BIOS i would never install a modern OS under Legacy, just for security and hardware compatibility issues.


    if he downloads from Microsoft servers a x64 iso and use Rufus (using the same settings as on it's website) it will be able to boot without any issues pressing F12 at boot.


    if the USB flash drive is not listed under UEFI/F12, simply the USB flash drive is not correctly partitioned.


    you can also disable secure boot during installation, just to narrow some troubles.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • Trukntigger
    Trukntigger Member Posts: 256 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon

    I agree but at this point just get windows running considering the problems encountered so far taking easiest approach, and legacy mode - ntfs file system - eliminates several problems. Baby steps...personally i about pulled my hair out on my daughter inlaws laptop replacing bad hard drive reinstalling windows 10. Ended up doing legacy on that one. Issue centered around the boot up partition and bios rejecting it no matter how I did it. Kinda like cloning a boot drive. Works great in ntfs legacy but picky as hell in uefi. 

  • CWB
    CWB Member Posts: 10 New User

    yeah , i was chukling at points as well ...

    /recall the demented laughter in pink flloyd's "dark side of the moon" ?


    i used a couple of DL's from M$ ... mds checked ok ... on all dl's i used .

    i tried the dvd route ... nope .

    basically i did everything "by the book" to ensure clean dls and burns (ie : dvd at slowest speed) .

    as for a hidden partition ... i used hirens boot/utility disk to boot into the dos *killdisk* ... removing all partitions and writing all zeros to the hdd (5 hours ... while i was at work) .

    i tried legacy and uefi ... nada .

    addressing the "non-genuine" copy of W8.1 on the machine ... this was corrected by a clean install of W8.1 and the activation went without a hitch ... taking about 30 seconds online .

    i feel that i have tried everything except whiz on an electric fence ... but i would be willing to try that if it might help .


    when i peruse the internet , i find that a whole lot of individuals are in the same boat as myself .

    overall , this whole scenario does not bode well for the end user/purchaser ...

    imagine buying a machine with hard earned money , having it fail to boot (for reasons including adding a piece of hardware and removing it after it failed to boot) and not being able to recover from it .

    this is akin to purchasing a car and adding a trailer hitch and having the car fail to start while the blinking lights and some female voice tells you that *something is wrong* ... you remove the hitch (in its entirety) and the car still refuses to start and every time you turn the key (assuming that it has one) pretty much the same stuff happens again and again .

    some might argue : "yes , but this is a computer , not a car ..." .

    my point is that it is the end result that is the same ... no viable device that i paid good money for and purchased in good faith that i would have reasonable service from said device baring severe negligence and provable fault on/in my part .

    (been there ... proving fault of the owner/consumer or equipment integrity ... i was warranty/factory repair for several big names of commercial/industrial and consumer electronic/electrical equipment)


    yep , i have punched holes in the cup coasters as well .

    spent many hours debugging code ...

    lost a lot of sleep and it really cut into my *social life* (aka : chasin' girls) .



  • Trukntigger
    Trukntigger Member Posts: 256 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon

    Read up on your post at 10 forums. You been trying this for a long while. Found statement that after wiping drive with zeros it still seemed to find a partition it wanted to attempt repair on. Removal of DVD drive. I like a challenge but yea, that much trouble would have me running it over with my 18 wheeler. (Now you know why I gave up tech work). 


    Related to your issue with w10 installing I experienced similar problems with daughter inlaws laptop. Acted like secure boot in bios would not let me change OS from w8 no matter what I did. Booted fine on other via USB or DVD but touch that boot hard drive and forget it. Kept at it but the slow hard drive (poor 5400/3.0 sata) was not helping. Resolved it by accident when I changed the hard drive for a older used 120gb SSD I once used to make job go faster. She lost space- 750gb to 128gb but w10 installed in legacy mode. Never did get it to work in uefi. Shelved the old drive, still there collecting dust. Can only make best guess - bios keyed to that drive for w8? Some kind of tamper/virus protection? Maybe hidden partition with serial number key like Xbox uses?  


    In your case seems like you tried about everything other than using windows update to 10. (Yea you can still do it for free) Web search upgrade to w10 for assistive technology's. (tip- activate the on screen magnifier until upgrade complete) Might work due to upgrade path vs direct install? Seem to recall playing with a patch to fix the windows update for current OS before w10 to download. I know current OS has to been up to date before w10 downloaded with the tool. 

  • CWB
    CWB Member Posts: 10 New User

    i tried the "on screen , up front , in place" upgrade from W8.1 ... same ol' ...

    all i accomplished was consuming two cups of coffee and a couple of ibuprofien .

    later , the 1TB drive was replaced with another unit ... same stuff .


    i thought about the hdd swap thing and i remembered that the person that was in it before myself replaced the hdd with that 1TB unit and it was sometime after that (and breaking the lcd) that it came into my hands .

    as i recall , it was after i did a fresh install of 8.1 that the "non-genuine" went away and all was (relatively) good .

    i did the updates and then pulled the trigger on the "in place" upgrade ... fail (seven ways to sunday) .


    it might just be that there is information stashed on the hdd and the MB ...

    there is a low level data stash on the HDD ... this is used in the factory to "fine tune" the hdd , this information is not touched by normal dos tools , one needs specific software for this function .

    so , it is possible that information related to the MB and other items is/can be stashed on the hdd .

    in which case , the end user is once again pooched .

    curious though , that i was able to load W8.1 and make it legit , but the upgrade failed .


    i have not given up on tech work ... it is curtailed heavily ... when we get older we are supposed to realize that simpler is better .

    some of the things we develop as we get older cause us to shift what we do .

    i have neuropathy in my legs and arms (no cause found) , so , climbing 500 foot towers is out of the question these days .

    i really miss the views from some of the sites .


  • Trukntigger
    Trukntigger Member Posts: 256 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon

    I have a w8 tablet that had mixed issues upgrading to w10.  Apparently the mfg used different memory storage during poroduction. Some had Samsung, some Sandisc. Tablet mind you, no hard drive, micro sd storage. These were otherwise identical in every way. The Samsung units would update to w10. Took someone tinkering to find out if you turned off drive cache with the Sandisc ones they updated. Mention this because that's how picky this stuff is getting. Hope you sort it out. No doubt it should work question is what little thing is preventing it.

  • CWB
    CWB Member Posts: 10 New User

    i agree ... this stuff is way too picky .

    it is getting to the point of being or will eventually get to the point of being virtually unworkable except for a factory original machine .

    maybe this is what the manufacturers have in mind ?

    way too fussy and nit-picky .


    this reminds me of an old broadcast engineer i knew many years ago ...

    we had a new young guy hire on and we went out to one of the company sites to work on a 100KW FM transmitter .

    there was but some minor stuff to check/adjust and then write up the log book and sign off on it , an hour of time tops .

    the new guy kept adjusting a couple of items because he "was not happy ... it keeps changing" .

    with every change the old engineer would duly note it in the log book .

    then it happened , while the new guy was making an adjustment ... KERBLAM ! ... and the transmitter building went black and silent .

    the emergency lighting kicked in and the young guy was standing in front of the transmitter with a wide-eyed dumbfounded look on his face , his hand still on the control .

    the old engineer shook his head and said "yessir , ya just engineered it right off the air" .

    four hours later , we had the transmitter was back on the air .

    during that time the old boy made the new guy "clean and dust off" the back-up transmitter , some equipment and sweep the building .