Can I charge Switch Alpha 12 via USB type-c 3.1 port?

shutterfly Member Posts: 15


edited November 2023 in 2019 Archives

On the sticker on the right sdie of the display, it says "For data, display and power under USB3.1.

My question is, can I charge the tablet via this USB Type-c 3.1 port? Or it's meant to charge other devices via the port?





Best Answer



  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,398 Trailblazer



    Switch Alpha 12 specifications (source: Acer):

    The thin and reversible USB 3.1 Type-C Gen 1 port combines multiple protocols in a single cable, putting just about everything you need in a port all in one place. It features:

    • Data transfer rates up to 5Gbps
    • Video output
    • Power delivery capabilities of up to 4.5W
  • shutterfly
    shutterfly Member Posts: 15



    4.5W is even less than what USB2.0 standard offers in terms of power delivery. What a joke. 

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,398 Trailblazer

    You should read the USB specs on the


    USB Type-C is not USB 3.1

    • The USB Type-C cable and connector specification is a supplement to the USB 3.1 specification, however USB Type-C is not USB 3.1. These terms are not interchangeable.

    USB Type-C is not USB Power Delivery

    • USB Power Delivery is a protocol/hardware solution that increases USB power capabilities up to 100W.These terms are not interchangeable.

    If a product features USB Type-C it does not necessarily support USB PowerDelivery and/or USB 3.1

    • Device manufacturers can choose to support USB Power Delivery and/or USB 3.1 performance but it is not required for USB Type-C products.

    And same for USB 3.1:


    USB 3.1 only defines the transfer rate of a product.

    • USB 3.1 is not USB Type-C, USB Standard-A, Micro-USB, or any other USB cable or connector.
    • USB 3.1 is not USB Power Delivery or USB Battery Charging.

    So it's not a joke.

  • shutterfly
    shutterfly Member Posts: 15


    Despite the specs, I did a bit more digging, and asked around. Here is what I found:

    On, Acer America replies on 08/30: "We show that a 19.5V 2.25A AC adapter should charge the system via USB-C. Please note that we do not have a recommendation or can guarantee functionality on what 3rd party AC adapter with these specs, to use."

    And on forum, people have confirmed MacBook 2015's usb-c charger does work on SA12 as well. But he also mentioned allUsb-c chargers don't work. 

    So it seems Acer does build the charging function in, just for some reason they don't want to advertise it. 

    I also did some general search on usb-c charging, it does seem that each manufacturer builds something special in its own implementation, making the "one charger to rule them all" still a dream -- although it's part of the reason why usb-c is created.

    SA12 is such an elegantly designed 2in1, with the exception of the power adapter. So yesterday-ish. 

    Hope more people will try that and share the experience to confirm or disconfirm, instead of talking on paper if that works. 

  • shutterfly
    shutterfly Member Posts: 15


    Update: Now I can confirm that Targus 45W Usb-c charger works with SA12. 

    RAvPower 36W usb-c and usb charger doesn't, unfortunately. 

    It seems in the spectrum of USB-c power delivery, it seems it's still a wild-wide-west. Depending on each manufactuurer's implementation, compatibility is a hit-or-miss thing. 

  • kaotik
    kaotik Member Posts: 1 New User

    I am using the apple 29w usb-c charger works just as well as the factory charger


    Battery bar reports charge rate of 17,300 mw which is same as the factory charger

  • AimanXT
    AimanXT Member Posts: 2 New User

    yeah me too.. tried with the apple 29WW usb-C charger. it do charge the battery..


  • josemaria92000
    josemaria92000 Member Posts: 6 New User

    I also have the switch 12 and as I can see you have to be kind of an expert to know how to use the usb type 3 port. I naively bought a usb type 3 to usb3 cable and it's completely useless. I would have preferred another usb3 port instead.

  • gregoryx
    gregoryx Member Posts: 23 Troubleshooter

    Of course, if you'd read these threads before purchasing... that'd be why some of us have posted what works and doesn't - because we didn't know either... and clearly, neither does Acer. It's definitely confusing that USB-C and USB3 are not at all the same thing... but I don't expect too many folks to take the time to learn the difference either. 

  • Matt1
    Matt1 Member Posts: 3 New User

    What powerbank will work with the SA 12?  I will be travelling soon and will not likely be able to plug in my computer.  Any help would be appreciated.

  • Matt1
    Matt1 Member Posts: 3 New User

    shutterfly wrote:

    On the sticker on the right sdie of the display, it says "For data, display and power under USB3.1.

    My question is, can I charge the tablet via this USB Type-c 3.1 port? Or it's meant to charge other devices via the port?





    What powerbank will work with the SA 12?  I will be travelling soon and will not likely be able to plug in my computer.  Any help would be appreciated.

  • shutterfly
    shutterfly Member Posts: 15


    You can give this a try:



    Anker makes decent charging products, and since it claims it works with MacBook, it should work with SA12 as well.

    Let me know if it works. I will probably buy one as well. 

  • Matt1
    Matt1 Member Posts: 3 New User
    I have the Aukey 30000 mah battery and it doesn't work. I think the key is the volt output. Acer identifies a few important elements: 45W, 20 V and 2.25 mah. I found a few that have DC output at 19 V and some even have ac outlets on them with variable volts, so you could use your supplied plug. These can be pretty pricey but really nice powerblocks.
  • shutterfly
    shutterfly Member Posts: 15


    That's not necessary true about the '20v 45w' statement from Acer.

    I found Lumsing usb-c charger:

    The usb-c part only output 29w @14.5V but it works perfectly for the SA12

  • Blayn-Acer
    Blayn-Acer Administrator Posts: 2,355 Community Administrator
    Answer ✓

    Yes, this device can be charged via a USB-C adapter. Please see the link in the article below.


  • jameschrislloyd
    jameschrislloyd Member Posts: 4 New User

    I purchased an Anker power supply and powerline cable.  The ps is rated at 60w and also has 4 regular usb ports.


    When I connect it to the tablet, the icon in the system tray flashes from charging to not charging, the display dims and brightens in accordance with the charge indicator and there is a beep with each flash.  


    Any thoughts on making this work?  I didn't think it was possible for too much wattage to cause a problem.

  • gregoryx
    gregoryx Member Posts: 23 Troubleshooter

    Put that unit in the "doesn't work" list. 


    There's a lot of power options in the USB-C spec. Watts don't tell much about what works with what. 


    60w probably means 5V at 12A total. Or 12V at 5A. Neither seems to work for the SA12. I think it wants 18V or better - probably using the 25V spec of USB-C. The SA12 seems unable to function on lower voltages, unlike the Mac, which just charges slower. 


    Search for the USB-C PD specs. I think i posted them here, too.

  • jameschrislloyd
    jameschrislloyd Member Posts: 4 New User

    Thank you Gregoryx - the unit says it provides: "USB Power Delivery with outputs 5V @ 3A, 9V @ 3A, 15V @ 2A, and 20V @ 1.5A. "


    I suppose whatever detects the voltage to supply is what's causing the alternation between charge and not charge states.


    I'll purchase the one that was said to have worked in the thread.


    For reference, here's the Anker 60w at Amazon:


  • gregoryx
    gregoryx Member Posts: 23 Troubleshooter

    That's pretty cool that they're listing what their PD supported profiles. I wish Acer (and other manufacturers) did the same. From what I read, there's some form of negotiation in the protocol? I'm no electrical engineer... but it's pretty clear that the various devices aren't all syncing up. 


    For comparison, our Acer-provided power-supplies say they are 19V @ 2.37A = 45W. So... I can see where 20V @ 1.5 might not cut it. But they're not USB-C... 


    That said, I've seen other weirdness where a power supply that works some of the time (like the Lumsing dual unit) will not work other times - seemingly when the battery is lower? Hard to be sure. 


    Huh... just checked the output on that Lumsing. Says it's 14.5V @ 2A max. Might be why it doesn't always work. The Dell USB-C power supply that has been 100% functional isn't here at home with me... 


    Just checked the Apple power supply... also 14.5V @ 2A max. Same for Choetech. I hadn't seen those be spotty before. 


    Checked the Dell... 20V @ 1.5A. Same as the description of the unit you got. But it's worked 100% of the time for me - going through a USB-C "hub" (dock... whatever) with PD passthrough. 


    At the moment, I'm getting juice through the Apple - 14.5V @ 2A, supposedly. And Just switched to Choetech and Lumsing and they all work. All 14.5V @ 2A supposedly. Go figure. 


    This mess just gets messier. 

  • jameschrislloyd
    jameschrislloyd Member Posts: 4 New User

    The metaphor of water for electricity is faulty, but I do love it some times.  I imagine trying to solve this like a plumber with pipes and that makes me laugh. Smiley LOL  Thanks Gregoryx


    I ordered the Targus and will see how that one works:

