H257HU - Heat?

Exhibitioner Member Posts: 3 New User

Hello, so I have recently purchased the ACER H7 H257HU.


After an hour or two of it being on I have realized that the metal front plate of the monitor is actually getting a little hot but other parts of the screen remain cool. I have never had a previous monitor which gets slightly hot like this one, maybe this was because my previous monitors were plastic and weren't as powerful?


I'm not sure if this is normal to see or if it could possibly be damging to the monitor overtime? Does anyone else expereince this with their H7 monitors?


I have highlighted the area which seems to be outputting the heat within this H7.


H7 0B


  • Blayn-Acer
    Blayn-Acer Administrator Posts: 2,355 Community Administrator



    Thank you for your feedback. Heating is normal in many of our products. As long as the monitor is just getting warm and is not too hot to touch, I would say it is operating within normal range.

  • CubriC
    CubriC Member Posts: 1 New User

    Hi there,
    I've just got my H257HU today and within less than the first hour of usage I could feel some serious heating on the bottom of the monior.
    Tonight I got a chance to explore more of it so it's been turned on for a couple of hours now (2-3h) and the heat is unbearable. I can't touch it for more than 5 seconds and it will hurt bad on my fingers. I'm honestly concerned about it, this amount of heat is not normal.
    Any suggestions? I loved everything else about it but I'm thinking about asking for a refund.


    Best Regards,