
XR341CK ... Please tell me this one is broken?

Member Posts: 5 New User

So, first up the Display Port and signal scanning causes major problems for Linux.  In order to configure a display it has to be active and visible to the video card.  However the monitor will not stay in Display Port source if there is no signal.  Catch 22, chicken and the egg.  The monitor seems to cycle through all inputs, find nothing, go to sleep and continue to cycle through them in the background.  However this makes it next to impossible to configure as the display appears and disappears every few seconds as it cycles past Display Port.  Thankfully once configured, as long as you don't turn the monitor off or switch inputs it remains stable.  I will see how this goes over time.


Now... I own three Acer monitors.  An old P243w 24", a P246H and this new X34.


Can you tell me why when I put either the P246H or the X34 beside the P243W (the oldest) that the P243W puts them all to shame on colour depth, black level and vibrance?  The X34 and P246H look weak, washed out and unexciting compared to the older monitor.  It's so annoying that I may have to put hte P243W in the attic so it stops reminding me that monitors used to be much, much better.


Now finally the show stopper that will have me return the monitor for a refund unless I can fix it.


Contrast ghosting on motion.  I just cannot have this.  I have not had it on any monitor past the Amiga on a TV and I will not have it on a £900 monitor, ever.


I don't even need to run a game.  This very forum page I am on now, if I move the browser window from the left side of the screen to the right I get white ghosts along all the constrasting lines (along the grey post panels for example, a good 1cm of white ghosting bleeds into the grey.  If I move it from the right side to the left I get dark echos on the grey following the white text.


In DCS World I have HUGE ghosting echo's of everything that contrasts and the labels displayed on the map have horribly white ghosts and echos around them with even tiny amounts of view panning.


I don't have a video, but the video in this post is very close to what I have.


I tried dropping it to 60Hz, but that made no difference.  I may try HDMI, but I doubt it will help.


So, not a happy camper.


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  • Member Posts: 5 New User

    Here is a video.  Sorry for quality, it's my mobile phone obviously. 


    I am using the ghosting test app from here:


    Moving the browser window onto the P243W and there is not a single hint of ghosting.

  • ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    i can't talk about ghosting, since i don't own an X34.

    about washed color, i strongly suggest you to set it as on this article, using their ICC profile too:

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • Member Posts: 5 New User

    I tried to apply that ICC profile, didn't notice any change.  I read more into it later.  You never know, maybe the color profile on my old monitor is wrong and it's too vibrant.  Shrug.


    What I have done however is get rid of most of the ghosting by turning off OD (overdrive?)  mode.  


    According to what I am seeing are called coronas not ghosts and are evident when OD mode is turn up.

  • ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    yes, you can find a lot of good information on that review.


    please check their calibration settings too (to set on monitor OSD), applying ICC only changes just a little.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • Member Posts: 5 New User

    I followed the recommended OSD settings on that site.  Though I now realise I'm in the wrong place as the Monitor is an XR341CK not the predator.   Close enough anyway and they have a specific page for it.


    Anyway, I found a perfect example of how different the two panels look...



    They are displaying the same Supreme Command 2 map.

  • ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    oh, ok but XR341CK is a Predator monitor. 

    check if calibration helps a bit, i don't have other suggestions. Smiley Sad

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • Member Posts: 5 New User

    So things have been going okay with the monitor with the ghosting issue sorted by disabling overdrive mode.


    The issue I am still having is the Display Port detection issue with (in particular) Linux.  I get some anomolies within windows too, but in Linux it's a lot worse.


    Here is what happens.


    Switch on the PC.  Monitor comes on, Energy Star and Acer logos.  BIOS Posts to the other monitor on the HDMI port fine.  As there is no signal on the Display Port the Predetor goes into "No Signal" and sleeps.


    Linux launches it's GUI .  The monitor wakes up, but starts scanning through all it's inputs.  While doing so Linux can't see the DP port and seems to give up looking for it.


    SOMETIMES it sees the monitor in time.  Sometimes it sees it, but a little too late and all my Desktop stuff shifts to the wrong monitor.  Sometimes it doesn't see it at all.


    In the event it does not see the display at all, I have to completely reboot the machine and cross my fingers.  Someimtes cycling power on the predetor works, usually it doesn't.


    I have run the NVidia settings tool while I am having this issue and I can see that the NVidia card point blank refuses to admit there is a monitor on the display port unless the monitor is actually switched to Display Port input.  Thus when the monitor is scanning the inputs the display appears for about 1 second, then disappears again.


    This is EXTREMELY annoying.


    I have two devices.  A monitor that will not stay on the DP input unless there is a signal and I have an OS an video card that will not enable a display on DP unless it is present.  The two fight each other.


    Is there any way to say "This monitor is Display Port ONLY, do not scan, do not detect, just switch to DP and stay on DP."???


  • Member Posts: 5


    Try manually setting the input on the OSD. I accidentially did this to the wrong one (then switched it back) when trying to put up the refresh rate number to verify freesync, and since, the monitor has not attempted to auto-cycle for an available input until I turn the thing on/off again. It solved an issue I had where windows would shuffle my windows every time it went to sleep, and also cause driver crashes and the like.

  • Member Posts: 3 New User

    You can disable automatic detection from the monitor - that will prevent it from cycling from the mode that you have selected. I have mine set to disable automatic mode detection and enable quick startup mode at the same time as Windows 10 has issues where the driver will default to a fallback driver (low resolution) when the system wakes from sleep due to the same issue that is giving you grief in linux.


    As for ghosting, as you have discovered that disable overdrive fixes it - a few reviews (in particular TFT Central) has pointed out that the default mode with no overdrive performs best for this monitor.


    Washed out color - Its no RGB display thats for sure. however, it is very accurate for an sRGB display. Have you tried to setup color management workflow for your setup? you need to do this from the OS down to your hardware pipeline. My out of the box unit measured at delta E 1.74 before calibration, 0.8 after calibration. I am actually very impressed by it, My Dell U2713H which is an RGB panel has sligthly better accuracy after calibration (but obviously much wider color gamut)


    For what it is, i absolutely love this panel. Would have been even better if this was a 100hz/144hz panel 100%sRGB and a SDXC slot provided. Also would have been greate if they took away those onboard speakers and used the budget towards something else display related, but otherwise i love this panel.

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