Need to reinstall Windows 7 but cannot

Begocer Member Posts: 1 New User

So about 2 years ago the hard drive randomly blew on my Aspire 5252 and since it was out of warranty at the time I didn't progress with repairing it or even acknowledge the fact it didn't come with any recovery disks.


TIme has passed and I need to get it up and running again so I bought a new hard drive and went to the Windows Software Recovery page only to find out Windows 7 can't be downloaded as lo and behold- It's a preinstalled version of Windows and I have to contact Acer for 'software recovery options'!


I've gone everywhere online and found quite literally nothing in regards to this issue aside from the fact I'm not alone with this issue and Microsoft isn't providing the least bit of help to work with everyone.


I won't purchase new recovery disks as I refuse to buy something that initially wasn't provided with my system (I didn't know at the time they should have been included) and to be honest, its just straight up rediculous how complicated this is...


I don't know where to or even how to progress as I'm beyond frustrated at a seemingly simple task.




  • Sharanji
    Sharanji ACE Posts: 4,617 Pathfinder

    Acer  does not ship recovery disks with any computer. Instead, the harddrive on the computer has a recovery partition that can be used to execute recovery or to create recovery disks. since it was not created earlier, the only option for you would be to purchase the recovery disc.


    If you have a unit from US or Canada, you may check the avaliablity and purchase the recovery disc from Acer store :  Acer Store


    Click the Kudos kudos-thumbs-up.pngto say “Thanks” for helping! select "Accept Solution" if your issue is resovled.


    I hope this helps! If this was useful, please hit 'Yes' or 'Like'! Thanks! 😊

  • Jacobey
    Jacobey Member Posts: 1 New User

    I am having the similar problems as OP


    Hard drive went out, now looking on how to install OS. I have an Acer recovery disk that I burned when I first bought laptop, but when trying to boot it shows the recovery menu but all options are grayed out, I'm guessing due to it being a different hard drive and not having the recovery partition?


    How would I go about installing Windows 7?