V5-473PG Battery Drain

fenolly75 Member Posts: 12 New User

Dear Sir,


I’ve searched Acer community for similar problem but none can convince me to do anything to resolve my laptop issue.


I own an Aspire V5-473PG for almost 2 years now and using Windows 8.1. My problem occurred just a few weeks ago. It’s something about my battery being drained while logging off. Let’s say about 4% within 24 hours. I left it fully charged 100% before logging off/shutting down, but the next or a few days later, when I logging in again the battery shows 90% to 92%. This is not normal coz it never happened before. Well, you see, normally even if I log off for about 5 days or a week (100% fully charged), the battery drains just 1%. Sorry, but I wouldn’t be raising up this issue if it’s normal. For your info, my battery is not a problem as it still stays up to 6 to 7 hours.


As you knew, my laptop model is a built-in battery so this worries me the most coz changing battery causes me a lot or even can’t change battery at all.


Is there any reason or any suggestion to explain this?


Thanks in advance,



  • -Justin
    -Justin Member Posts: 2,362 Skilled Specialist WiFi Icon



    Did you have this problem before some updates were performed for the operating system possibly? If it's something that just started happening it could be linked to them.

  • fenolly75
    fenolly75 Member Posts: 12 New User

    Hi Justin,


    Long time no see... Thanks for your reply.


    Anyway, you're probably right. I've thought about that too coz the problem started after I installed some updates during April.


    Do you have any suggestion? Should I uninstall the updates (from 11/04/2015)?


    Thanks & regards.

  • -Justin
    -Justin Member Posts: 2,362 Skilled Specialist WiFi Icon



    You can just perform a system restore to those updates and check them to see if one might be related to the issue before installing again. Installing the Windows updates is always something to do as it helps your system with compatibility issues, security issues, etc, so reinstalling them will have to be done. It could just be a bad install causing the issue.

  • fenolly75
    fenolly75 Member Posts: 12 New User

    Dear Sir,


    Thanks for your reply.


    Before I do restoration, I’ve few queries:


    1. After my system being restored to a certain point, will the ‘uninstalled’ updates reappear if I perform windows updates so I could reinstall them again?


    1. There’re too many updates from the given date so how do I make certain which one is the problem. Do you have any clue of which could caused the problem?


    Thanks & regards.

  • -Justin
    -Justin Member Posts: 2,362 Skilled Specialist WiFi Icon



    Yes, any updates that were performed will have to be installed again. Best practice for this issue, since it's hard to tell which one might have caused the problem, just install about 10 at a time. It is time consuming, but a little bit at a time may save hours of doing it over. The more system updates you do at once the more changes that have to be done at once. Like I said, it could simply be just one update itself that didn't install right and caused the problem.

  • fenolly75
    fenolly75 Member Posts: 12 New User

    Dear Sir,


    Thanks for your reply.


    If that the case, this will take some times before I can update into this thread. Let me do the system restore first.


    Thanks & Regards,

  • fenolly75
    fenolly75 Member Posts: 12 New User

    Dear Sir,


    I have another problem. I can't choose or create my system restore DATE. The system restore only listed the latest update date that I've performed. I've searched the net but didn't have anything that can resolve this issue. My system restore didn't even have the section where I can choose the restore date.


    Can you help me with this or should i refer to Microsoft Com?


    Thanks & regards.

  • -Justin
    -Justin Member Posts: 2,362 Skilled Specialist WiFi Icon



    If you have recently performed a disc clean-up you might have deleted those restore points to free up space. Either that, or the default setting for how much space that function uses was changed. If it was something that was occurring before your recent update the full restore might be your only option. Smiley Sad

  • fenolly75
    fenolly75 Member Posts: 12 New User

    Dear Sir,


    Please help me below:


    1. Which is better? Set my BIOS to default or update it?

    2. If I've to update, please show me how step by step.


    Appreciate if you could help me.


    Thankx & regards,

  • fenolly75
    fenolly75 Member Posts: 12 New User

    Dear Sir,


    My problem solved! Well, for the moment.


    I've been around the net for solutions and not just referring to Acer community. I'm not sure about other Acer users but it works for me.


    What I did was set my BIOS to default, again. It's not a guarantee, but at least it works for me and for some other users out there. What I'm wondering now is what on earth could have interfered with my BIOS setting.


    Thanks for your time.



  • -Justin
    -Justin Member Posts: 2,362 Skilled Specialist WiFi Icon



    It could have been an issue with your BIOS and operating system syncing that was causing it.